Kein Problem! Wie geht das?NEWS - Rishi's Blobs (|;-)>
Last chance to join us on our "Fresh Beginnings" tour. Please join us for the spring time and give yourself the treat of live music and TranceDance. This time we will also have two events with a preceding cacao ceremony - in Münster and Frankfurt we will start with this. It is a very heartwarming and opening ceremony and we prepare high quality, "organically grown" Fair Trade cacao with some spices, oatmeal drink and very little sugar. Keep in mind, that we will start earlier (have a look in the program calender). A kind requst. Dhwani has still trouble with a squeezed nerve. If you would like to support us for setting up or dismantling, please connect us via: +49 172 7619988. Thanks so much!
Goodness! It's already mid February 2023. I thought, I'll have some time to relax before the next tour, and now it's just two more weeks before we start our "Fresh Beginnings" Spring tour 2023...
Otherwise, my tour and festival plan is filling up again and it get already difficult, to get all those great dates into my schedule. Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Latvia, Poland, Austria, Italy... Looks like a great year. As a counterpoint to the craziness of politics and the ignorance of the masses, I invite as many people as possible to share their unique creativity, dance, music, joy, laughter and silence (in short - medicine) with as many people as possible and enjoy the ride.
Happy peaceful 2023
So dears, this is probably my last message for 2022.
I am so amazed about this year. After all the Covid - and Russia-Ukraine - frenzy, this year was yet like a huge inhaling of so many people to share Love, Joy, Dance, Celebration, Trance, Hugs and Laughter.
I really like to express my deepest gratitude to each and everyone who was part of this explosion of love and happyness.
Although, we were not able to dissolve all the hatred and anger in the world (as all the wars in Ukraine, Jemen, etc. show), I am very sure that we made a huge difference anyway! I ask all of you to keep celebrating, sharing love, light and laughter to make a change and not give into the fear mongering. The most healing medicine there is is called FORGIVENESS - Ho'oponopono in Hawaiian.
Keep Loving, Forgiving and Laughing

WOW, WHAT a tour, what a year. Since April, I spend most of the year on tour, driving from north to south and fom east to west. Germany, Latvia, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Poland were on my schedule. Every event and festival was a peak of energy, ecstasy and celebration. My gratitude is immense and I feel so honoured and blessed to have met soooo many wonderful people and was able to share my gifts with you. Each and everyone, I would like to thank for my heart for all the wonderful meetings, circles, sharings, dances, talks and hang outs in all your places, houses, flats and other amazing locations. I travelled shielded by my gards and had save travels. I encountered Covid without fear and (although I was in hospital), I never was scared of my life - neither on the road.
Also our first TranceDance Training was a big success, even thoufg we had "few" trainies for the first one... it was a ghreat blessing, and much more would not be suitable. Training needs time and quality, and I think, we had a fantastic start. Most of our trainies are already guiding tranceDance, and I am very proud of this very special crew of people, who now share the gift of Trancedance into the world. This Training was a wonderful first wave and full of surprises and inspiration to all of us. We are already unrolling the next one as well as a follow up of the first level.
As a very personal sharing, I like to share about the death of my father, whzo, left his body in November. I haven't met my father for most of my life. My mother and him divorced, when I was four. They proibably haven't had the greatest time together, because my mom got pregnant probly at their first date. Them being 17 and 18 years old, it was still a big scandal and they "had" to marrie. It was probably quite a challenge for my good looking dad to refuse the offers of sexy ladies (it was the time after the WWII, when there were few men and many lonely women). So he got seduced, and the protestant moral of my mother's family didn't allow any space for a "sight trip". They divorced and he was almost instantly demonized and didn't dare to come back, and we lost completely track for many years. My first trial to reconnect was, when I was 19, but it was not the right time, then. So about 15 years ago, I again reconnected, and we became friends, somehow. He left his body on the 28th of October, and due to covid restrictions, I could not see him any more. However, he was an important person in my life, and I am greatful to his role in my life!
Hi friends and fans. Dhwani and I just start the last section of our Autumn TranceDanceTour 'Join The Circle'. So far it was a wonderful success with deep trance journeys, wonderfiul meetings and fun. I will upload some pictures soon. What I already share here are two Youtube links with footage from our event in Prague, in a beautiful new venue. Hope you enjoy:
Wow, what a summer this has been. Many beautiful people and places and festivals I have met and shared my gifts. Many wonderful musicians and the autumn is as busy. The 1st Trance Dance Facilitator Training was a blast and so inspiring. We will plöan for the next one now, and also for a follow up. The amount of knowledge is huge, and it also need time for the participants to use and hone their skills.
So - Lets meet and dance and make this earth a nicer place and share the love and joy. Have a wonderful Autumn and hopefully see you soon on our tours...
Back from a wonderful tour in Switzerland and Italy, im just preparing for the next trip. Again to Switzerland and then again to Italy, for our TranceDance Facilitator Training in Tuscany. In the meantime I was working on some of the wonderful recordings I took from Uhuru and our Retreat from Shadow to light. Follow this link, if you like to listen to some very trancy live music: UHURU Cacao & TranceDance from 1.8.22
Wow, Wow, Wow - what a wonderful festival we had. 10 days dancing, celebrating, processing and sharing an amazing space in the hills of Umbria. Such a healing time for us and sacred Mother Earth. May you all share love and joy this summer and charge up for interesting times. I will be on the road again in September in Switzerland and Italy
Greetings from the midsummer festival near Gubbio, Italy. The festival is already in full swing and Francesco and I played an almost 3h set of 5Rhythms with a beautiful prayer ceremony, all guided by Olivia Olla Palmer. We will also play a TranceDance tomorrow night and there is plenty of other teachers to send us on their respective journeys of 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine, Open floor, Ecstatic Dance and more. Besides this place is so beautiful and the lakes water temperature is just perfect.... Aaahhh
Wow, wow, wow!!! Switzerland keeps impressing me more and more. After another amazing Mantra & Ecstatic night in Zürich with Indrani and her tribe we had also a very sweet Sunset sounds at Glarisegg and now I just returned from my premiere at the famous UHURU Festival in Solothurn. I was guiding a course of TranceDance and had my first mutual TranceDance with Michi from Somos Organicos. It was "love at first beat" again. We also had about 100 people dancing like crazy after a Cacao Ceremony guided by Lua Luz.
Luzia and I decided the next day to promote our TranceDance Facilitator Training with 6 places from 6th of August for 6 people who like to join the training for only 666 €/CHF in Tuscany from 26. Spt. till 2nd October in Podere Amarti, Italy!!!
Hurry up, places go quick
After a very promising start with my dear friend Christian Bollmann for a mutual CD project, we had to cancel because of health issues and will keep going on later in the year. In the meantime I work on other projects (one will be online soon - but I won't give it away, yet!). Also I prepare for the next live evenbts in Switzerland in Zürich, Glarisegg and Bern. I'm also teaching at the Uhuru festival near Solothurn, and I will lead a Cacao- and Trancedance Ceremony there on the 1. August.
Later I will move down to Italy for some days in the Milano Area, before I go down to Umbria for the next Midsummer Festival
One month later, again. Wow - intense and beautiful days we had. A long trip to Latvia via Berlin and Warsaw to Riga. #BUTIBA festival was a blast! 700 people (more than 100 kids!) were joining us for this years Midsummer celebrations. We were back again at our favorite place and the energy was simply fantastic.
Same is true for the Polish Tantra Festival at Tu I Teraz (Here & Now). A magical place to spend time and dive deep. I certainly fell in love and will already go back in October for a 3 day TranceDance workshop.
One month later... We had a very good tour. Full circles with wonderful and open poeple who dove deep into their essence and we shared the space with beautiful people like Christian Bollmann, Prem Prabhod and Chintan Schmidt-Relenberg, which enriched us musically again and we will do more of these collaborations in the future.
Now we are on our way back and I will go on a seperate journey untill 7.July, when Dhwani and me meet for our annual shamanic retreat Vom Schatten ins Licht at Seminarhotel Fohlenweide in amazing nature.
In the meantime I will drive to Latvia, Poland and Czech Republic, playing various concerts and events and share meditations and more. Check my program for more information...
I've arrived back in Schabernack for a few days. Seems like spring actually skipped straight into summer. Gorgeous weather hear and everything is blossoming and lush green (Es "strotzt" nur so vor grün).

I still feel the energy from the touring and playing music and sharing the space. Shakya and me had some great events happening and we get more known in Switzerland. I also really enjoy the collaboration with Luzia and I look very much forward to our TranceDance Training in Tuscany.
Now I get ready to jump into the car again for my next trip. Dhwani and me will start the first part of our tour in Germany: Hamburg, Markkleeberg and Münster are lined up next. Then Köln, Frankfurt, Munich, Passau and Bamberg. Please sign up early, so we can plan and you save some "bucks" as well.
After two weeks in Glarisegg it is not so easy to leave. Glarisegg is a remarkable community with about 60 people and a seminar house. I met a new soulbuddy here and spend some very nice days. Shakya and me had some really wonderful events together in Switzerland so far. Today we will move to Thielle and next Freiburg (im Breisgau) and finally to Mannheim until our path's part for a while and I will re-unite with Dhwani for the first Live TranceDance Tour this year. We will be starting in Hamburg and then go on to Leipzig (Markkleeberg) and finally to Münster on this first part of our tour. I feel blessed and I look forward to meet many old and new friends in the next weeks.
After some very nice events and days in Glarisegg and Zurich and Shakya's presentation of his new baby - the beautiful Mantra CD "The Songs we love - The love we share", that he produced during the Corona seasons 20/21, we will play Ecstatic Dance tonight in the Wandellust in Zurich again. And tomorrow we will share a combined Cacao Ceremony and TranceDance in Basel with Luzia Mara and Prabodh will join us on Bass for the musical part again. We still have spaces left for both events
A little Hello from Seminar Center Glarisegg, Switzerland, next to the beautiful Lake Constanze. Staying with my friend Shakya with who I just had two beautiful events here. Spring is beautiful, yet quite fresh. We had a wonderful evening in the Sauna, just next to the lake.
Now we are just preparing for our next event tonight in Zürich:
Returning from a wonderful dance event with Vojta Violinist.
Now stopover in Klatovy and Munich before going on to Switzerland for some events with Shakya Grahe.We will start with a 5 Rhythms open door event on Friday, followed by "Sunset Sounds" at lake Constance on Saturday and an evening of Mantras and Ecstatic Dance on Tuesday in Zurich. On the 7th we will join Luzia again with a Cacao Ceremony combined with TranceDance, which I find a fantastic combination. Both support each other very much. On the 13th we will finally have our first naked dance in Thielle in the "Naturisten Camping" Die Neue Zeit, which will be a very special occasion. Finally the fist Happy Feet cooperation with Chetan Erbe in Mannheim on the Maulbeerinsel
Just returned from a wonderful journey in Tuscany where 40 people danced Olivia Olla Palmers "Easter Dance" at Hotel La Selva. It was a very joyful, yet also deep event. If you know Olivia, you can imagine what I'm talking about. She is such a very dedicated and experienced teacher.
Now I'm on my way to Czech Republic to join Vojta Violinist for the next Ecstatic Night:
We still got some tickets left. See you on the DanceFloor
Preperations for a "dancing summer" 22. Besides all the talk and propaganda in the world, I focus my life on music, song, dance and tranceformation. This Saturday I am invited to play music for a new political party with my dear friend Christian Bollmann in our ex-capital Bonn. We will keep it simple and invite people to dance and sing together. "No mask today", the new hit in Germany :-D
Yeah. I promised myself to update the website a bit more frequently. I just came back from Corfú, yesterday. And - as we say in Germany - "April, April, der macht was er will!" (April, April, He does as he likes...). So it started snowing in Cologne and the trains were late, and I was freezing and my luggage had a broken handle... Quite a funny way to return back here. And no oliveoil in the superrmarket today 8-).
However, soon I'm back on the road, playing drums again for my dancing friends in Italy, Czech Republic and Switzerland. Check out the links on the home page or in the program calender. I hope to meet as many of you as possible! Let's dance - and make this place a paradise <3
Hi all. Just a little update. In case you want to support us through buying our music "today, 1.April, 2022", please log in to our favorite music selling platform and order one or more of our Tracks or CD's from either or We are very greatful and wish you wonderful moments with our music
just a short update, since I actually made a mistake. My first live event will be Olivia Olla Palmers Easter Dance in Hotel La Selva in Tuscany, Italy! La Selva is close to Siena and just a few kilometers south of Osho Miasto. We will dance into Tuscan spring and the hall is wonderful. And my dear friend Francesco Marani will join me with his Disgeridoo and other instruments for the live events!
I'm pretty much back in shape again. But it took quite a bit longer than expected. I'm sending you these lines from Corfú, the beautiful greek island. Here you see me standing on my terrace and the view from there... Amazing sunsets almost every night!

The first concert after this very long break will happen in the beautiful city of prague:
Else, the preprations for the spring and summer are progressing very well and there will be a lot of possibilities to meet and dance together. See the program section for more details.
This year I team up with my old friend Luzia from Switzerland for a Trancedance Facilitator training in an amazing location in Tuscany, Italy. See the new section for the training.
And another highlight, besides our annual shamanic Workshop "Vom Schatten ins Licht" with Dhwani, is another workshop in Tuscany with Willemijn de Dreu from the Netherlands.
So I really hope to meet many of you on the various occasions...
Hugs from Greece - Rishi
Oh dear, such a long break since my last blob... A new year has started already. I had Covid and spend the days since before Christmas 2021 in bed and later even in the hospital. Sleeping with an oxygen mask were quite intense (luckily only at night). I don't even remember, how many days!
However. I'm getting back in shape and already make plenty of plans for this year:
A concert in Prague on 22. April with my friend and fantastic musician Vojta -------------------- A short tour with another fantastic musician - Shakya - in Switzerland-------------------------- A workshop from 26.-29. May in Tuscany from with the great teacher Willemijn from Holland ----- A tour with my fantastic musician friend Dhwani in Germany (dates are still in the making)-------- A shamanic retreat together with Dhwani and Torsten in a beautiful place in Germany------------Finally a 7 days TranceDance Facilitator Training in Tuscany with Luzia Schucan----------------- & various festivals in Latvia, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Switzerland...
I'll keep you posted and hope very much to meet many of you in real, with real hugs :-)
Time for an update after 1 1/2 years of virus craze. Whatever you think about the so-called pandemia, to me it is the biggest scam ever performed on humanity since 2001 and the year 0000. However, the situation brings also a lot of clarity into our lives and shows the games played on us more clearly and bland.
I will find more ways to share love and music and to come together and dance, perform music and rituals. And I will not get the jab in my system. Instead I got very clear about the fact that "infection" is a very fruitful concept of the pharmaceutical "industry", And I don't buy into this concept. If infection was the reason why people get sick, all people would aways be sick all the time.
I will focus on my immune system, positive intention, healing sounds and many hugs, kisses and meetings with dear friends. That worked very well for me.
I wish all of you inspiring and creative times, don't buy into the fear mongering and enjoy lots of dancing and cosy physical connections with your loves ones. And crack some good jokes, too! ;-)
Love, Light and laughter
Hey again. Time for a new blob! This friday, 19th of June, 19:30, Dhwani and I will do another Online TranceDance event via Zoom/Youtube stream. I will also post a few words on that as a Videocast on my Youtube channel (and link on Facebook and here) (sorry, that one will be in German, but I soon also gonna do a video in English!). However, We hope to see many of you again on friday evening and we look forward to see a few of you during our Retreat "From Shadow To Light" from 9.-12. July in a wonderful seminarhouse near Fulda
Oh yeah, wild times we live in. Corona still rules the world and the minds of the people. Fear and panic seems to grow (if anything has an exponential curve, than it is the growth of fear). I never did buy into this whole fearmongering and I am still a hundred percent with Dr. Wodarg and his opinion - If no one would have called this a pandemia and would have started testing more and more people, we would still live the same way, we did 5 month earlier. However, this is a time of spreading all kind of nonsense and I refuse to buy into it. Watch the "Gatekeepers" and most importantly: trust your inner wisdom (your heart and belly) not your mind and intellect. They are much less likely to be fooled <3
Hi dear friends and fans. A very happy, creative, healthy, joyful new decade and new year 2020. I hope you had a wonderful transition into the new year. I had, indeed. I spend the new years days at Gubbio in a wonderful seminar place with Olivia Olla Palmer and friends and team plus about 65 wonderful dancers from Italy a nd all over the world (We had people from Dubai, France, Poland, Germany, New Zealand....). Besides a lot of danceing of the 5 Rhythms we had a trancedance session, led and played by me plus various rituals and celebrations. It was such a wonderful space and place and we were so happy with the place and the service that Olivia decided to make it the venue for the Midsummer Festival as well. So You have a chance to taste the place (and the food and the wine, etc.) and dance in nature again, this year. Don't hesitate too long to book your place, they are going quick.
And if you live in Prague and haven't gotten a ticket for
hurry up. We are excited to see you there and get you dancing with our ecstatic music... Let's celecrate the new decade together!
A topic that keeps me occupied is that of digital sound and specially of data compression through reduction (MPEG, WMA, AAC, OggVorbis, etc. My own experience is that, although I have a ton of songs and albums of MP3 music on my computer, I hardly listen to any of it. I wasn't quite sure, why that happened, because I love music and I called myself and audiphile person. But I just could not listen too long to music ind the radio or from sources like iPod etc. for too long before I got annoyed and bored. Specially during my long trips in the car it was rather amazing, since I had lot's of time, but I stpooed the music and / or radio after a while and rather stayed silent. Lately I discovered audio books a way to keep me awake and uplifted.
During our last tour, a singer mentioned a recent study from the University of Freiburg, where conductors were put into a MRT to watch their brain activity while listening to classical music from various sources and found, that they could listen to analog audio sources for a much longer time than CD and even less from datareduced format like MP3 and the like.
And funny enough, I had recently set up my old turntable player, after I found a collection of Vinyl longplayers in our basement and both my girlfriend and I started enjoying the sound quite a bit, regardless of crackles and the inconvenience of turning the LPs every 15 - 20 minutes.
My observations are very much aligned to our experience of playing live music for our trancedance events and during retreats and at festivals. It seems very much enjoyable and easier for many people to dive into their inner spaces, when we play live music. I recall a situation, where I was forced to play a whole hour with just one drum and my voice, because of a malfunctioning sound system, and many people shared after the session, that they were travelling deeply and hadn't missed anything.
So my resumeé for this time is: receiving sound at it's best, is the real thing - live music. Fully analog reproduced music is second best. High density digital audio (44,1 kHz, 24-bit or higher) is an OK compromise, but already CD quality is not great. And all data compressed formats (MP3, WMA, AAC etc. are stress for the brain and to be avoided.
I will make all my music - if possible - available in 24-bit quality in the future at my "" profile. For now, I highly recommend to download it in WAV, FLAC or AIFF or other, non data-compressed formats.
And another TranceDanceTour is done, I met many old and new friends and dancers and have seen some new cities and venues. A big thank you from here to all the people who helped us, making this tour a success, all the organizers, helpers, hosts, participants and a very big thank you to my fellow musicians. It is quite a special process to share the stage and create 2 hours of music out of the unknown.
On our way to Grafing. We will set up our instruments at "Lichtsaal" (Lighthall), joined by my dear friend Chintan who will play percussions with us. I got already quite some responses from my post from yesterday and I will try to find the links to the studies about the topic...
Since quite a while I get confronted with the controversial topic of compressed audio formats. In fact, after enjoying the practical facts of digital audio on CD'S and later the data reduced MP3 and other formats like AAC, WMA, Ogg-Vorbis and the like, I noticed that I was listening less and less to music and that after listening to Radio in the car, I started switching off and rather enjoyed listening to Audio Books, yet feeling rather exhausted and stressed after a short while.
Well, It turns out, that our brain gets quite stressed from listening to digitized audio, and even more by data reduced formats like MP3! The fact, that a lot of information is missing in those formats does maybe cheat our ears, but not our brains. We are quite a complex creature, and it seems that our brain is able to notice that something is missing and then starts to replace those elements, which means, instead of relaxing and enjoying the music, it gets really busy and tired after a short time. Makes total sense to me. Another fact is, that platforms like YouTube change even the tuning of the songs because of copyright issues (I just heard)
So my conclusion is to soon offer high density sound files via platforms like etc. So that you can enjoy the fullest and richest quality of our recordings.
Stay tuned. I keep you posted. Love, Light and Laughter
Sorry for my rare blobs at the moment. Too many things are going on. But I will try to be a bit more regular again from now on. I spend a very interesting and full on year with lots of music, festival and trancedance tours. The new album is received very well and you can buy the physical album directly through me, or various downloadable formats o:
if you buy the complete album online, you also get the link to a fully mixed version (no gaps or interruptions between tracks) as a bonus track.
Otherwise the USA tour was a beautiful and sunny trip with lots of new people and some new venues for me, and my first visit to Mexico!
We just packed and loaded our gear after another wonderful TranceDance Live Event in Markkleeberg in the "KutscherHaus" of our dear freind Christian. Probably for the last time, since Christian is going to sell this wonderful Villa to live in a more contained space... We will miss this wonderful space yet we are very greatful for the many deep and transforming events, we were celebrating here... Next and last stop for this tour is Frankfurt am Main, tomorrow night...
YESSS! We did it. After a lot of work and quite some extra hours in the studio - Rishi & Harshil proudly present: ""Remember Yozúr Freedom". almost 140 minutes of finest percussive shamanic TranceDance Music that supports you to travel and journey and enjoy yourself moving your body and learn about your inner resources and power! Here is link to the "Teaser" on

Oh my goodness. More that 8 Month since my last News update... The real good news is, that We are in the last days of finishing "Remember Your Freedom" The next TranceDance Journey! We got a whole load of music and we will distribute it in various versions. There will be a CD (all cardboard/no plastic), a USB and obviously the download otions.We are not sure yet, if we will offer it for streaming, since we have hardly any revenue from it.
Else it has been a full on year with lot's of travelling. New places, new co-musicians (at the Latvian shamanic summer festival) and many successful events and retreats.
I'm writing this from my new studio in Milan, which is still half finished, but already working and a lot of the new album is recorded here... I will also be offering the studio for other musicians productions. In the end there will be a recording room, a mixing/recording room and a small production editing suite, when all is set.. Here is a photo from the recording room, which also hosts the mixing/editing suite at the moment:

So I get back to work now and will soon be back with more news from
"Remember Your Freedom"
Dhwani and me just finished our second visit to the "Bannmühle" at Odernheim am Glan, which is situated near Bad Kreuznach. It's an old Mill, a Bio apple plantation and a Seminarhouse and more. The "SunDance" is a huge room on the 4rth floor of the huge main house and has an incredible view as well as a wonderful atmosphere and space for dancing. Our host Hans Pfeffer and his team created a beautiful program of TranceDance, sharing, creativity and soundhealing concert and we already agreed on the next date: 29.+30. Mai 2019. Save the date
Oh dear, what a day of challenges... Dhwani father left his body some 9 days ago and the funeral was on Wednesday. He got up at 5 to arrive in Bamberg, where I was already waiting for him to travel together to Vienna. We stopped for Lunch at the German/Austrian border and when we went on, suddenly his clutch stopped working. We managed to keep going on to the next bigger city, to see, if maybe a mechanic could repair it, but it didn't work out. Our organizer was still relaxed and told us, that a gang of 8 people came from Linz and maybe they could help. And ideed, Dhwanis friend Norbert came to pick us up in his mini van and with just one hour delay, we could start the next TranceDance journey for a full venue of very patient Vienese dancers. Thank you all and thank you existence - Aho
After a short but very successful tour of 5 Rhythms and other live events with Shakya, I finally have a few days to take a breath and deeply relax in a warm (rather hot, actually) environment. Mediteranean sea all around me (never further than 5 or 6 km away, I spend some holydays on Linosa - a tiny little Island near Lampedusa.
Of course I'm also preparing for the second half of the year with some very nice festivals coming up soon - Osho Miasto and MidSummerFestival 5Ritmi in Tuscany - and the US travels in September with 5 Meditation retreats from California to Atlanta with Milarepa and the One Sky Band.
WOW - what a wonderful retreat this was. I guess I speak for all the participants, if I say, this was an unforgettable weekend, and truely lifechanging indeed. From the first TranceDance to the final closing session we became a unity of people who were dedicated to the truth, to be real and authentic and "go for growth". Every step on this journey was bringing us more into acceptance of who we are and of walking towards our potential - taking responsibility and commitment. Opening to friendship and love and stepping back into the unknown again....
We had to cancel two events of this early summer tour, due to little prenotations. Which leads me to commitment and reliability. Organizing such an extensive tour of more than three weeks, we need to know in advance, how many people we can expect. Although is seems to be hip to be spontaneous and keep things open to the last minute, we cannot take all the risk. If you have participated in one of our events, you know how serious we are about the oveallr quality - beginning with the sound all the way to the setting, holding space and delivering the informations you need to step into this space of the Unknown, we call "TranceDance" or "Blinddance"
In order to be able to riun these events, we need a minimum of 20 prenotations per event. All our effort is certainly coming from the heart! Yet, bills need to be paid for the locations, our car(s), maintainance, food, etc. So it is a great support, if you sign up as early as possible and be reliable. Thus you participate in discounts and secure your place to participate.
Thank you so much for your understanding and support. Rishi
My musical partner Dhwani and I were just playing the first TranceDance event of this part of the TTT in Frankfurt, which was powerful and a fantastic start of the tour. Now we made it al the way to Vienna, where we started recording our first 5Rhythms Wave album together with Verena Bruckner at her beautiful house and recording studio. Sounds great! We keep you posted...
And on Wednesday we fonna play a TanceDance at Friedrich-Schubert-School, here in Vienna, Kanitzgasse 1-2 as well. Beginning 19:30...
Just returned from Czech Republic and our "Rituals of Dance Music and Fire" retreat. It was again a very special time for me, and the format keeps growing and deepening. The quality of the event and openess of the participants is special and inspiring. A very special "Thank You" to the team, who did an incredible job to hold the space. Here is a picture of Zdenek, Irena, Monika and me

I am in (sunny) England at the moment, sharing TranceDance rituals with my spritual siblings Tarisha and Prabodh. We had some wonderful and deeply healing events in Malver, Bristol and Osho Leela so far. Tonight we will be joining Seth Newmanfor a cacao ceremony followed by TranceDance with live music. This picture is from last nights TranceDance setup and soundcheck...

Just a quicky from the airport Linate, where I wait for my flight to London. 5 Events are set up for Tarisha, Prabodh and me in England.
I wanted to point out our wonderful Summer Retreat in Wuppertal, in the middle of the nature in a small wood. The theme is: From Shadow to Light and offers 3 1/2 days with rituals, song, dance and sharing. A deep process as well as a journey to acceptance and healing. Here you find more details Vom Schatten ins Licht
After a very wonderful finale of our tour in Bielefeld with more than 70 Wave dancers I had the pleasure to spend a day with my old friend Walter von Lingen, who owns a beautifully renovated farmhouse in 32694 Dörentrup. He is also a musician a shares his gift and passin with many people. He created the Klangspielwiese, an institution on many festivals in Germany, where he puts up a tent, fills it with many instruments and invites anybody to play music together...
Wow, amazing! We are again almost done with our tour. Köln, Bamberg, Vilshofen, München, Stuttgart, Wuppertal. And yesterday we had another wonderful TranceDance ritual/mini workshop in Münster. Wednesday will be our last event for March with a Live Wave together with Heera Andreas Müller in Bielefeld. We are so grateful for all the people who joined us and for the trust, dedication and inspiration we received.
I like to say sorry to the people around Kiel, who might have hoped for a trancedance tonight. Because of low numbers of reservations, we decided to cancel the event. In order to do our work, we need a minimum of committed participants. 800 km is a long way to drive, and the exchange in energy has to work out. Besides the amount of work for driving setup, facilitating and playing, we keep investing in our equipement, instruments, cars, etc. and we have to pay our rent and food, etc. If you enjoy to dance with us and like to support us, please share with your friends, sign up and share your enthusiasm with your friends. We try our best, to make it happen again soon.
In deep gratitude... Rishi
Excitement is building. We are ready to roll! Today is the start of our sprintime TranceTanzTour 2017. Tonight we open the circle at Tajetgarden in Cologne. It's our 10th year or so and we will also run a shamanic Retreat near Wuppertal this year. However. If you like to dance with us this spring, here are the dates:

last Saturday we had a great reunion at Macchinazioni Teatrali (part of Fabrica del Vapore = Steam Factory?). Nirava, Harshil and me were facilitating a TranceDance with Live Music and offered a profound space for the dancers to travel into their deepest levels and dance and move their bodies to our drums and rhythms. What a joy. Thanks to all the team and participants

I just returned from Switzerland where we held another 5Rhythms Live Wave with my friends Shakya and Wolfgang at Schloss Glarisegg, right at Lake Constanz. This is a work that I learned to love long time ago, when I had the chance to meet the founder Gabrielle Roth with her two incredible drummers. It was the moment, that convinced me that live music and dance will be an essentiel part of my personal future.
Now it's alrmost March, and I just spend 10 lovely days in Tuscany to do recordings for our next TranceDance Journey "Remember Your Freedom" at Podere Amarti with my beloved friend Harshil, his partner Aloka and their 15 cats. It was very inspiring and we got to a good point. I am very positive that we will manage get out with it this year (knock on wood) :-)

Wow, I am such a lucky guy. My dear friend and mate Prabodh came from England to help me renovating the new studio. He is not only a super groovy bass player, but also a fantastic handyman and with his help we turned the first room from a smelly, slighty run down place into a studio room! Yeah. it starts moving! Look:

I feel very contained after a beautiful, heartwarming 4 day retreat with my dear friend Olivia Olla Palmer - The New Years Dance 2017 at Miri Piri near Piacenza in italy. A wonderful, touching and rich time of dance, live music, amazing nature and meeting with beautiful people. And a really delightful way to celebrate the transition from the old to the new! At least one picture, to show a bit of the fun and joy we shared. Thank you from my heart to all participants and the excellent team of Miri Piri and Olivia.

My last News for 2017. Thank you very much to all friends, fans, participants and fellow travellers. It was a very busy year 2016. I moved house, learned many new handcrafts and spend many days on the road, crossing Europe and the US. I met many beautiful people and had the pleasure and honor to share the stage with wonderful musicians and dear friends. But because of all that work and travelling I don't cope with updating the website accordingly. But I will put some extra effort to pick up with some new songs and pictures
The real great news for me is, besides a new home for my beloved and myself that I also bought a studio in Milan. Which means, I hfinally have a space to play any time of the day and that soon there will be more recorded music - meaning CD's.
But one step after another... First there is still some more work to do. Because at the moment it still looks like this:

And there goes the time.. Today it's more than 2 month, that I wrote something here - oh well. I had intense times, fantastic events (Germany, Czech Republic, Latvia, Italy, Vienna, Czech Republic again...), I had quite chaotic times and a lot of work to move house from Milan to Milan (still in process) and I had unlucky and lucky times getting my license plates stolen and refound and broken into my car and got some expensive gear stolen. So in case, somebody offers you a BOSS-RC 300 with a bag and some footswitches for a "too good to be true price" - I might be the one...
However, there were two highlghts so far this summer: 1st was the "first shamanic festival in Latvia" right at the Latvian Midsummer. Our venue was rught at the river Daugava, which comes from Russia and it cooled us down, since we had the weather of the century with temperatures up to 35 degrees. Amazing, I came home to Italy with a sunburn!! The team of Astitva did an incredible job to create an atmosphere of Love and Respect and together with Inin Nini and Kenga I had the honor to lead and co-create different rituals of dance, healing and sharing... The central theme was the Power- or Spirit-Animal and our connection to these spiritual guides. I put a few pictures in the Music, Photo and Video section. Just click this link to Shamanic Festival in Latvia
The springtour is over and we had wonderful events. Trancedance was the main focus and the quality of the journeys and sharings was deep and touching. Again a big thank you to all participants and organizers. We also played more 5Rhythm Live Wave events. A
It's not an Aprils fool: The Event in Riga is confirmed and we made it a festival ( Astitva & Madina found a wonderful place in nature. It will be another highlight of this years events. Here are more infos:
Just confirmed: Also for the workshop in Latvia we include the Firewalk ritual. The combination of TranceDance, Live music and Firewalk proves to be very powerful and supports your personal growth in such an effective way, that the results will sustain and last.
After all, the last days were also filled with many positive happenings in my life. We had an amazingly powerfullive TranceDance in Milano with Nirava and great Balla Nar and I joine Nitya and Ninad for their Mantra Concert on 22.03. in Teatro Out Off together with Carlo Amori and special guest Andy Fumagalli (Bluvertigo). Besides the musical part, my beloved and me finally started the works on our new home, which we will hopefully be inaugurating at the beginning of May.
Last not least, the wonderful workshop "RITUALS" (22.-26.May 2016) will happen in the end of May and is a very special opportunity to join my friends Ivo Janecek, Zdenek Villimek and me for an empowering retreat in the beautiful nature north of Prague with Shamanic and Tantric techniques incl. a "FIREWALK"
I was shocked about the happenings in Belgium, and it was a strange situation for my friends Nitya nd Ninad, wjho had their last concert in Milanos "Teatro OUT OFF" just a day or two after the events in Paris last year. The only answer besides the grief for the dead and injured is to meditate and share the love. Any "Reaktion" can only lead to the famous spiral of fear and violence, which is only in favour of the people who "really" profit from war and fear: The arms industry...
The year is unfolding beautifully, with many wonderful events, powerful workshops and plenty of festivals ful of joy and fun. My focus is more and more on transforming fear into power and regain full access to our resources. There may be turmoil in your life, sometimes also sad events, or ever terrible happenings. All is a possibility to grow and become stronger.
New events are already scheduled. I hope to get my calender updated soon to a more professional version here. Nevertheless: the more recent Events will be always mentioned on the Home Page!
I will be playing a short 5Rhymths / Ecstatic Dance - Live Waves with my dear friend shakya Grahe end of this month. The next "Tribal Resonance" event and workshop are shedule for the first weekend in Prague and
I spend New Years Eve and the following two days with Nitya and Ninad, supporting them with my rhythms during their "Mantravacanza di Cappodanno" retreat in north Italy. I was a wonderful event, and beautiful alternative way of transition into the new year with singing, fire ritual and meditations.
We will play together again in March in Milano. Check their website for more information:
A very happy, inspiring, healthy successful year 2016 to all of you!
Wow, wow, wow... I am sitting at the FJK Airport in New York City, reflecting the past 6 weeks... What a wonderful tour we had. The US events were an amazing adventure of travelling, playing music, getting close as a band, meeting many old and new friends, celebrating live, meditating and integrating silence, cooking, connecting, dancing, shamanic experience and what more... We travelled more than 6000 miles, just in the US, played about 45 live music events and created most of them "In the Moment"!
I am so happy and content and would love to express my deepest gratitude to Milarepa ( and my fellow musicians Amlas, Prabodh,Sangeet Lee and our wonderful guest musicians Sharabo, Rajmani, Scott and all the other friends. And of course, all our hosts and organizers for their amazing hospitality and incredible care.
Ten days later... We had another great event and wonderful hosts in Dallas. The event was happening at the Hidden Cove Park at the Lewisville Lake, in Texas. Now we already moved on to Osho Niranjana, near San Diego in California. It's been soo amazing so far. The meetings, the music, the friendship, the caring of our wonderful hosts. Simply amazing! Well then, I'm looking forward to the next, biggest and last event of this years US tour. I can't conceive we have already 4 full events finished and I will be leaving in a week... It looks, like lot's of changes are lying ahead of me. It's going to be interesting...
Wow, more than 3 month have past since my last post... It was a lot happening inbeetween, indeed!
The Osho festivals in Osho Risk, Miasto and Osho Leela; a very beautiful stay with my beloved on the Island of Linosa, Conzerts and workshops in Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland and various other events. My live is quite fulfilled with many different activities and right now it's very much packed with the tour in the USA with my dear friend Milarepa and the One Sky Band. We already played and travelled to the Abode of the Message in Upstate New York, LakeDelevan in Wisconsin and the Red Top Mountain State Park in Georgia. I will put up some pictures of that tour very soon.
Looking Forward second half 2015:
Next on my events schedule is another Live TranceDance with my dear friends Peter & Eva from Tuscany. Followed by the summer festival in Osho Risk from 11. - 18. July in Denmark. In August I will spend all week from 9. to 16 at Osho Miasto and the following Week I will then fly back over to the UK to play with Milarepa as well as many other wonderful musicians at the Osho Leela Osho festival from 27. to 31.08.2015.
September is busy as well. I will go again to Czech Republic for a big concert on 10. Sept. in Prague called Tribal Resonance, where I will be honored to share the stage with Maok from Slovakia and Dalibor Neuwirt from Prague. The rest of the weekend I will host a workshop near Brno.
18th of September will be my next Live Wave, this time in Wiesbaden. Andrea Brecht will facilitate while Shakya and me will play live music again.
Resume first half 2015:
It has been quite a busy half year so far, with some really big successes and few little downers. Besides we had to cancel a few events during our TrancetanzTour spring 2015, the one which were happening were very successful, and specially our premier in Karlsruhe was a very nice surprise. also our second part in June was great and this time Frankfurt, due to Christian A. Leips very generous offer, graced us with a fantastic happening, as well as my first live "Wave" collaboration (5rhythms) with Julia Knezevic and Shakya M. Grahe in Cologne was greaced with many dancers and a wonderful atmosphere.
The Highlight of this first half year 2015 was certainly: "Dance Your Way To Freedom - An inspirational weekend" with Ivo Janecek and Zdenek Vilimek at Osho Leela in Czech Republic. 53 participants plus 7 people of the stuff were celebrating a weekend of shamanic ritual, healing, music, dance, drumming, meditation and fire walk in a beautiful surrounding and a wonderful venue. Here you can see some pictures and get information about our upcoming events Thank you again to all, who helped to make this such an incredible success, namely Irena, Petra, Klara and all the team from Osho Leela
My first live TranceDance in Rome with Dinraj is certaily worth mentioning as much as our little TranceDance tour in the UK with Tarisha and Shivan. Specially the event in Bristol, organized by Maya Love was really amazing and we will certainly be up for more.
So far so good. Well, more is to come this next few weeks already. ...
I haven't really updated the "NEWS" section for quite a while. I was very busy with all kinds of stuff, and it seems, not so many visitors are interested in this part. of my page.
Nevertheless, I am updating the program section, as well as I did a whole redesign and was just recently uploading most of my older albums on as well as on itunes, spotify, rdio and amazon. Even though I actually don't like "streaming" websites, as they generate very little income for musicians, I left it on spotify and rdio for the sake of people finding my music in other parts of the world... So next time you ask me after a concert: "Can I also download your music on the internet, I can say: "Yes, you can!"
End of April, first weekend in May will be my return to beloved Czech Republic. Together with Zdenek Villimek and Ivo Janacek we gonna host a four day workshop/retreat, digging deep into the power and qualities of shamanic rituals with Dance, Music and Fire. the event will happen in the beautiful Osho Leela near Prague.
Hurry up, if you want to get a space. In three days were already more than 25% of the spaces booked. More information in Czech and English here:
The next live event in Italy will happen in Milano. 24th January with Bally Nar Ndiaye Rose. He is simply awsome and we will have a great Trancedance with high energy and a deep spaces...
Just preparing and loading my car for the next event at the tanzfest nürnberg. This will be Dhwani and my last mutual live event for this year. Please join us on Friday evening at the Tanzbühne Nürnberg. The event is the opener for the festival and starts at 19:30. Tickets and more info you find on the Tanzfest website
Just spend a few days in Paris with my beloved, to meet artists, photografers, galerists for her job. We are put up by a good friend, who has a new house in Paris, which is simply a piece of art itself. She designed it all and created an amazing cozy, clean and clear space - very inspiring...

And we need that cosyness, because outside it's very autumnly raining all day long... Hardly any smiles in the city today... But I do. Hugs from Paris :-) Here are more pictures on my Facebook profile
A big warm "Thank You" to all the participants and fellow travellers of our TTT (TraceTanzTour) this autumn. We had very beautiful events all over Germany and enjoyed the journeys immensely. We had amazing musical jouneys ourselves and nice new venues and played more than 25h of music. We are already in the planning for next year March and look forward to meet many of you again and many new people as well...
HALLOWEEN -- We actiually rather refer to Samhain - is the main energy for our next two events: 31st October in Move'n Go in Fulda, and 1st November in Villa Vita in Unna. Starts both 19:30 - bring your broom, if you like ;-)

Last possibility to experience a live TranceDance with Rishi & Dhwani for this year in Germany is at the Tanzfest Nürnberg, from 28th - 30th November. We will be opening on Friday night 19:30. Please check the website for the final arrangments
So, it's done. I re-designed the website. Temporarily, to get some change and see different colors. The whole page in in a process to be completely overhault. With leaner code, more access to video and soundbits and a proper calender and shop...
Stay tuned
Auch in diesem Herbst laden wir Euch herzlich zu unserer halbjährlichen TranceTanzTour ein, um mit uns eine Reise in die Innen- und Anderswelt zu wagen.
Ausgestattet mit Augenbinde, Atem, Intention und dem Vertrauen in die Kraft von Spirit, erwarten Dich unerforschte Welten, unerhörte Klänge und unerlebte Möglichkeiten. Dein Atem ist die Fahrkarte, Dein Körper ist das Fahrzeug... Live, im Moment gespielte Musik ist der Motor der uns gemeinsam auf die Reise schickt.
Willkommen im Reich der Sinne...

Folgende Abfahrtsstationen können wir Euch anbieten:
19. Sept Unna Villa Vita Freitag 19:30
20. Sept Kiel Shiatzu Schule Samstag 19:30
22. Sept Leipzig (bitte anrufen) Montag 19:30
23. Sept Berlin Spirit Berlin Dienstag 19:30
25. Sept Nürnberg ACT Center Donnerstag 19:30
26. Sept Stuttgart Freitag 19:30
27. Sept Grafing Lichtsaal Samstag 19:30
01. Okt Köln Tajet Garden Mittwoch 19:30
23. Okt. Gut Hübenthal Parimal Donnerstag 20:30
24. Okt. Lüneburg Gemeindesaal Emmausgem. 19:30
25. Okt Lübeck Bewegungsräume Samstag 19:30
31. Okt. Fulda Move'n Go Freitag 19:30
01. Nov. Unna Villa Vita Samstag 19:30
Teilnahmebeitrag : im Vorbverkauf € 29,00 , an der Abendkasse € 33,00
Anmeldung über , Kontakt auch über Mobiltelefon 0172-7619988 per SMS
Wir freuen uns schon sehr, Euch wiederzusehen.
Ebenso freuen wir uns über weitere Verbreitung über Eure Facebook- oder privaten Netzwerke
After France was a break or rather the time to set up my new laptop. Then I went to Osho Miasto for the annual summer festival, where I played lot's of music with many different artists like Madhuro, Prafulla, Satgyan, Bepe, Praful Mystic, Harshil, Chintan and many more.
It was (again) a fantastic festival with many different colors, meetings, delicious food and an incredible TranceDance together with Nirava, Harshil plus the support of Satgyan and Chintan and many wonderful assistants, who supported the dancers during the TranceDance. Thank you all, thank you to all the people at the festival and speacially to the Miasto team

Here is our TranceDance setup
Right now I can keep the reporting more frequently like this. My nextTrip was leading to France where I was called last minute to play with Prem Joshua and his band at "Espace Healing", a meditation center in the stunning beautiful Provence.
It was a wonderful 5 day trip, meeting old friends, like Manish and Navanita, who lead the center, and many new people. We played at least three or four live music events every day and it was great fun to join a band of such fantastic musicians. Besides the place is beautiful I also had the opportunity to lead a live TranceDance. Not to mention the winning of Germany over Brasil, which was a strange thing to watch...

Besides my troubels, I also have to report about the great things that happend in the meantime. Infact, I had some of the most amazing TranceDance events ever, this spring and summer. Starting with the very amazingly wonderful meeting of the "Art Of Being" festival in Czech Republic, which was in many aspects a surprize - the organization, the spirit, the easiness, the music, the musicians, the workshop leaders, the events, the nature, the participants.... It was a fantastic debut and calls for many many more times to be repeated.

View from my kit during the daily morning meeting
The festival started with a wonderful interactive event lead by Alan Lowen and ended with a wonderful peak of TranceDance and Firewalk. Inbetween there was a abundance of tantric experience workshops, a chocolate ritual, drum circle and many other amazing events. the next one will be in 2015. Highly recommendable
Sorry for my absense. I had a complete computer crash and had quite some trouble to get my "new" laptop going again. The previous owner never bothered to do a proper recovery DVD. So I had to find all the drivers and a Windows DVD. If you ever had a Laptop Studio, you know what it means to set up a new system. It's a trial and error event and takes about 14 days (if you're lucky. Anyway. I'm still not satisfied, because I still experience problems when I record my music and I still wonder if I should get my old computer get fixed, because it was much more stable...
I don't seem to have a good hand for buying new (used) gear. Neither with computers, nor with cars - which was my second challenge this spring. Right in the middle of a tour to Germany, my good old (actually really terrible) Renault Espace broke down in Switzerland and I was doomed to find a new car and funding for it. After the second Espace desaster I decided to change to Peugeot 807, which seemed to have a better reputation, but this time both my beleoved and my mom supported me to buy to more recent car, not such an "old" wreck. So I got a six year old Peugeot 807 which looked great, but already when I picked it up, it showed the first strange "behaviors": The hand break was stuck. The dealer, who sold me this car seemed a nice guy, having a Mevlana quote in his office, I took this as a good sign, but already on my first trip with the car I had to realise, that there was some weird things going on.
Anyway, to cut things short. I bought a lemon, and I hope, this bite will not be too sour after all.
Filip took not only pictures but also some video footage during the Czech Playshop. Here is a short clip of me drumming during a short dance warmup
It's late night and I just finished the last touchups of the digipack cover for our CD Rishi & Harshil - Shaman's Return, A shamanic experience Meditation.

It is a very powerful way to experience various shamanic techniques in a one hour meditation format, including Breath of Fire, TranceDance, Shamanic Journey and Silence. The physical album will be available in three weeks. The digital version is available at many digital distributers like iTunes and specially on CD Baby. Here is the link:
Buy now at CD-Baby
I just returned from the Playshop (shamanic "work" sounds quite too serious far what it is) "Dance Your Way To Freedom" in the Padmafarma north of Brno in Czech Republic. It was again a wonderful weekend with beautiful people and my second meeting with Zdenek Vilimek, a fantastic musician and amazing didgeridoo player from Czech Republic. We were playing as if we were doing it since years... it was pure fun, deep and super groovy! I will upload some bit's from the event on soundcloud and also here. Here is a picture from the event when Eva, our wonderful translator and organizer, presented me with a beautiful buzzard wing, that was given to her. She and her kids found the dead bird on a hill. I will honor this wonderful gift and use it for the smudging ceremonies during my playshops. Thank you Eva, thank you brother buzzard. A big "Thank you" again to everyone who attended, and thanks to Filip, who made so many great pictures of the event!

I am very thrilled to be invited by Alan Lowen & friends to participate at the first "The Art Of Being" Festival in the heart of the Czech Republic in the beginning of July. It will be an amazing gathering of Tantra Teachers and a wonderful selection of fantastic musicians, set in the Wellness Hotel Luna. For more information check this link: The Art Of Being Festival 2014

Just came home from a wonderful weekend of "The Medicine of the Drum" with Nirvano Schulz and my new drumming buddy Saajid in the beautiful setting of Waldhaus Lützelflüh. It was an amazing journey, and a great pleasure to share the leading of this group with Nirvano, who's wisdom and grace gave this event a very profound complement together with the live music and we send the participants on a wonderful deep journey with the Medicine of the Drum(s). And the care and hospitality of the Waldhaus people together with the amazing surrounding of the "Berner Land" gave this weekend a very special taste...

Finally we did it. More than two weeks of recording with Dhani and we got one step closer to our first album together. After playing music live since 5 years, we take the step to release a Trance Dance album recordied in the studio. It is quite a different approach to do it, since we are used to a complete different way of working and creating together. Here is a picture from the studio setup:

ROMA, chè bella!!! Wow, what a beautiful special city. I heard so much about it, and even though I travelled so many places in Italy already, I never made it to Rome. So last weekend we finally did it (my beloved Leela and me) and I am really impressed. Culture, history, food, people, traffic, markets, places, fountains, buildings, music, arts... you name it! We will come back, that much is for sure...

Wow, The happy new year is already 15 days old.... a month has passed with work, preparations for "Christmax", a trip to Germany with a stopover for New Years Eve in Munich and some work on the next CD. The album is coming into shape, and Harshil and I have laid out some very nice rhythms for the next "digital" Trancejourney. We will put out some tasters on Soundcloud soon.
Does it happen to you to? A month before Christmas you still think - ah, no problem, it's still a month... and the next day it's already the 20th of December and hardly time to buy any gifts for your beloveds ;-)
Well. I am one of those. Besides that this year was racing by anyway! As a matter of fact, I made lot's of new friends, played in many new places and my calender for next year is filling up very quickly. Brazil is on the horizon and Lituania... I keep you posted..
Oh well, I also wanted to share about my beautiful experience yesterday in Suno (NO),at Fano's Farm, where I had the pleasure to accompany a Yoga session with sound bowls and the KOTAMO and everybody was in bliss...
I got a new instrument today - A KOTAMO - which is not only one but three instruments, a Koto, a Tampura nad a Monochord, merging the sound cultures of Europe with India and Japan. It has a very delicate sound and creates an abundance of healing overtones and harmonizes perfect with my tibetan bowls. If you live in Milan and like to experience the deep relaxing and healing effect, call of mail me for an appointment of Healing Sound Massage.
Or come and join us in Osho Tao on the 11. to celebrate
Busy times and preperations for the next months. Tonight I wil give a Healing Sound Massage Osho Tao, Milano. I just got a brand new instrument called KoTaMo, which stands for Koto/Tampura/Monochord, and I'm really excited about it. I was planning on this since month and will be a perfect extension to my set of Healing Sound instruments. I do give individual sessions and here are also the links to my broshures in English and Italian (grazie Amore for the amazing design and translation!!!) HSM Broshure engl. HSM Deplian ital.
I'd like to express my deepest gratitude for all the beautiful and positive feedback for the last TDT (TranceDanceTour) and the events in Switzerland. It makes my day and gives me plenty of energy and motivation for my schedule next year, which is getting busy, which means I gonna see many of you again soon. A presto (see you soon in Italian :-))
The participants from the Shamanic Drum- and Dance weekend seemed to have had a great and profound experience. I receive plenty of feedback and beautiful testimonies from many of them, and also from the TranceDance Tour with Dhwani. I am so touched and happy that you get so much energy and insights from our events. Thank you and keep moving on. We will for sure...
I just got conformation from Switzerland. The next Shamanic retreat will happen on the 27.-28. April in Einsiedeln, Hotel Allegro. As I already proposed, we will also use the evening time for more music, dancing and fire ritual... Save the date!
29. Novembre dalle 20:30 OSHO TAO, Viale Col di Lana, 12, Milano
Riequilibrio e centratura: Healing Sound è un modo semplice per rilassare profondamente il nostro sistema nervoso e riequilibrare la nostra energia vitale. Ho la fortuna di averlo sperimentato diverse volte. Vi aspetto
An evening of Healing Sound Massage in Milano

Switzerland and the pharma industry grooves a little more after the event for a group of Novartis managers last Wednesday. Drumming is a very healthy and teambuilding activity and after about an hour, there was quite a different groove in the room... have some fun and hit the drum! ;-)
Just back from the Swiss healing drumming and trancedance weekend in Einsiedeln. Wow, it was strong. 21 people followed the call of Irene Barbitta, organizer of the event, astrologer, Yoga teacher and live coach. The way too short weekend was intense, healing and full of surprizes and gave me some deep inside into the Swiss souls. We will certainly cpme for more. Next September is in the pipeline. I keep you posted

A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL TranceDancers, organizers, hosts and helpers.
We finished the TranceDance tour last night in Cologne. We both felt it was one of the best and intense tours so far. It seems, the people who join us are more open and go easier into their journey. The quality, sincerity and depths is wonderful and the live music is a very effective vehicle to reach a healing trance state. From our deepest heart: THANK YOU

Time to move on. We had an amazing Event in Munich with my dear friend Chintan joinig us for the musical part and brought incredible grooves on percussions and bass. We spend a day and a half in Munich and in a friends house with view on the alps... Now off to the black forest...
here is a picture of us three:

Soundcloud link will follow soon.
TranceDance tour autumn 2013. We already did the first three events of our tour and the quality is getting better every time. From the first evening on our sound was very good and we seem to have a core connection in our music that is amazing. Many participants tell us, they'd love to see us playing as well... Here is a picture from last years tour.. more is to come soon...
here is a link to SoundCloud - a sample from our second night in Dübbekold...

Now the Marathon really starts: Tomorrow Leipzig - that's where the above pic is taken... Tuesday Erlangen, only a few places left... Wednesday first time in Deggendorf and Thursday Munich Saturday Freiburg...
St. Gallen was great. still potential for a lot more people, but the energy was fantastic, and the location is beautiful. No neighbours and plenty of space to dance... I sure will come again sometime soon---
Good news for the friends in Switzerland near Zürich/ St. Gallen and near vincinity, I'm going to play two sets of live-percusiion-dance-music for the "Tanz.Frei.CH" in the new location in St. Gallen on 26.10.2013 - Save The Date
The tour dates for the TranceDance Autumn tour are up to date now and can be found in the Program Calendar
I'm working on some updating in the various sections (Sound Healing, Touch the Sounds; Soundscapes) and added information, pictures and links. Also some videos and sound samples
I'm offering individual Sound Healing sessions in Milan now. With a wonderful set of tibetan sound bowls and bells, tampura and swarmandal plus some wonderful planet bells I create a delicate space for deep relaxation, harmony and realignment on all levels.
The first session I offer for a reduced fee. Please call or send and SMS: +39 339 2390930
Yes, time flies faster and faster, it seems. Miasto Summer Festival was again a wonderful meeting of people in the heart of Tuscany and we had very special powerful events and I had the honor to play with some very telented and dedicated musicians like Praful, Sudha, Madhuro and Ravi.
After a very beautiful deep and profound retreat in Riga, Latvia I just came back from Tuscany, where Dhwani and me were playing another live TranceDance for the Tantra group of Peter Kammermeiers Institut Bewusster Leben und Lieben. It is always a special event for us and this time we also spend a day together at a river near Volterra, which was really a magic place...
Next coming up is the TranceDance Autumn tour in October November with Dhwani. We will also have a special guest in Munich: ex keyboard player of Prem Joshua & Band Chintan Relenberg
Wow, it's been long since I maintained the page. I was very busy in the world. travelling, playing music (Switzerland was wonderful, with Milarepa and the One Sky Band), visiting my family, doing events and all kind of other stuff that was important... Now I'm off to Osho Miasto in Tuscany for the summer festival. We will have a TranceDance with Live Music tomorrow night with Nirava, Harshil and me, a concert with Sudha Ravi (I will play some percussions for their gig) and a Drum Circle with Harshil and me Wednesday morning
I just listened to the latest songs from my old time heroes "Deep Purple". Even though I miss the old genious of the early days, they still keep it rockin' nice and I very much enjoy a bit of "Rock'nRoll" from time to time...
Meanwhile I'm working on the website a bit more and get my flyer translated in Italian. Some more events in 2014 are already on the virge... like a new collaboration with my dear friend Nirvano, cocreator of the "Hawaiian Healing Massage". We will do some workshops in Switzerland and Italy and that is going to be a wonderful experience. Also the "MEDICINE of the DRUM" workshop in Latvia is shaping into a great weekend. I got some great inspiration from all parts of the world to make it an exciting and healing experience! Stay tuned...
Getting ready for the amazing event this following weekend:
This Friday my friend Paolo Borghi Hang and I have the exciting pleasure to play in one of the biggest caves in Europe, in the Katerina's cave north of Brno, Czech Republic. Followed by a two day workshop of shamanic TranceDance, Drumming and Rituals. There are still a few places left... Come - join us for a weekend of amazing, mysterious, haunting music, dance, drumming, joy and fun! ;-)
Time flies when you have fun... Wow, already one month is gone and my schedule keeps busy. The breath festival was very beautiful, - with about 6 hours of live music every day!! Intense but fun. Lovly loving people and a very dedicated staff! And the location is simply amazing, great facilities, delicious food, nice comfortable rooms, and the nature around is simply sublime. I was amazed. Next year we gonna have a follow up. And it's gonna be even better...
Also the Dreamtime Event in Milano was very beautiful and we will repeat the event in autumn. I will bring even more instruments to take you deep into the world of sound and meditation...
My schedule is filling up, the next events are:
16.-19. May - Breath festival near Bologna, Italy here is the LINK
25. May - DREAMTIME a musical shamanic journey from the outside
in and back in Osho Tao in Milano, Via Col Di Lana, 12
more details in the Program Calender
14. June - I will play a Cavebeat Concert with Paolo Borghi near
Brno in the Katherins Cave in Czech Republic.
Here is the link to their Website
14.-16. June - Right after the concert we will move with our instruments
to Padmafarma, Bělá u Jevíčka for a 3 day shamanic workshop
with livemusic. The first event will be an open TranceDance night
Here is The Facebook Event
23. June 17:00 - TranceDance with Live Musik in Volkshaus Zurich
25. June - 13. July - TranceDance Live Tour - Dance Your Way to Freedom
with Rishi & Harshil
10.-17. August - Summer festival in Osho Miasto, TranceDance and drumCircle,
meditations with live music
Dance Your Way To Freedom part 2
Wow, what a blast... 60 people in Munich, a wonderful new location in Freiburg, a very special Dreatime Concert in Diez and an amazing TranceDance in Kiel.... The second part of our TranceDance tour was a success, and we are already planning for September October. stay tunes for more
Thank you, Danke, Grazie...
The next event is happening in Astis Meditation and Dance Hall - well room! A Sound Healing concert. In the afternoon we went to see Kristaps, "The" authority for drums in Riga. And he really is! Wow, what collection of drums. What a great guy. We immediately click and I know I have to invite him for the TranceDance next day. Kristaps shows me around his "arsenal" and pulls out a rather unimposing drum which urns out to be a "monster"! What a surprise... it's a real "Motherdrum" - warm, deep, long, mmmmmmhhh, fantastic! Plus some other nice percussions it make my day and the event. Inspired by the warmth of the drum and the people, I feel very much at easy and at home, and all people in the circle fly with me.
I am on my first visit to Latvia and I am amazed! Already the beginning of the trip was easy. BalticAir let me get get away with 2,6kg overweight! that would have cost me a fortune with the "cheap" carriers!
Second was the blue sky, warm weather and the wonderful people who picked me up from the airport: Asti and Lasma, my organisers for the Riga TranceDance and Shamanic+ experience tour. After a first really good coffee I get to see the first venue of my tour. Anatoly's teahouse, which seems more like a construction site, not quite finished with the work. When we return two and a half hours later they transformed it completely and Anatoly Popow and his friends had done a miracle. I was invited to play with him (Sitar) and Jakov (tampura, flutes and percussions) for a little concert which was a wonderful occasion to experience the latvian/baltic hospitality and the tea ceremony which seems to celebrated a lot in north eastern Europe!
I add a picture from the event, to transmit some of the wonderful cosy atmosphere...

The next events are already on the horizon...
25.-29. April - TranceDance and more in Riga and other places in Latvia
please check here: FaceBook Event
02.-08. May - TranceDance Live Tour with Dhwani & Rishi - check the
Calender for details
16.-19. May - Breath festival near Bologna, Italy here is the LINK
14. June - I will play a Cavebeat Concert with Paolo Borghi near
Brno in Czech Republic. Here is the link to their Website
14.-16. June - Right after the concert we will move with our instruments
to Padmafarma, Bělá u Jevíčka for a 3 day shamanic workshop
with livemusic. The first night will be an open TranceDance.
Here is The Facebook Event
23. June - TranceDance with Live Musik in Zurich
25. June - 13. July - TranceDance Live Tour - Dance Your Way to Freedom
with Rishi & Harshil
10.-17. August - Summer festival in Osho Miasto, TranceDance and drumCircle,
meditations with live music
Wow, what an amazing place, what a brilliant group. Our workshop HEALING RHYTHMS in Andalusia was a big success and everyone went home with a smile and some tears, so to say. Because it was great to dance and drum and dig deep and fly high, and it was sad to leave such a beautiful place. We will do it again, and the next oppotunity is indeed in Sylt in a few weeks. Please join quickly if you want to take the early bird discount! You find a link in the news before or in my calender
And just to remind everyone who cannot make it to Malaga, we also have another HEALING RHYTHMS workshop in Sylt this year.
From 6. - 9. of June in Akademie am Meer, Klappholtal near List, Sylt. Sylt is the very beautiful most northern German island and has a strong, supportive energy for healing and has a unique nature. So surrounded by the northern sea, our waves will be strong and wild ;-)
here is more information on Petras website
The last few days before our wonderful 8 days Dance Journey "HEALING RHYTHMS" in Andalusia, near Malaga in Casa del Morisco takes place (7th to 14th April). Both Petra and me are very excited and have a beautiful package of 5Rhythms, TranceDance, Family Constellation, Shamanic Ritual and other tools to play with, plus live music and an amazing surrounding in the spanish spring (around 20° tomorrow!). Casa del Morisco is situated about 1km from the mediteranian sea and is a green oasis with fabolous facilities and excellent kitchen... For "lastminute jumpers" we have stll 3 places left... Easy Jet and Ryanair are offering still some reasonable seats...
Here is the link to Petras Website for more information
A big "Thank You" to all who joined us on our spring "TranceDance Live Tour" in Unna, Lüneburg, Leipzig, Berlin and Köln. We will come back to Germany in Mai. The first event will be the 2nd of May in Munich at FREITÄNZER... more will follow soon
It's final: On the 14. June I will play a Cavebeat Concert with my dear com-musician Paolo Borghi in Czech Republic. And from the same night of the 14th until the afternoon of 16. June we have the pleasure to invite you for a shamanic weekend seminar in an even more beautiful venue. Here is the link:
Specially if you are from Czech Republic: Please feel free to share the link also on Facebook or any other social network. Thank you very much
Wow! Our first event in Unna was a great success and a beautiful start for our tour. Maggie Pompeits Villa-Vita has a fantastic atmosphere, the perfect size, a great acoustic and the accumulated spiritiual energy of meditation, prayer, dance and other growth supporting activities. Thank you all for your sincerity and curage... See you soon again in Unna...
We are going on tour again:
DANCE YOUR WAY TO FREEDOM! TranceDance live with Dhwani & Rishi. Come join the dance
10.03. 19:00 Unna, Villa Vita
15.03. 19:30 Lüneburg
16.03. 19:30 Leipzig, Markkleeberg
17.03. 19:30 Berlin MauZ
20.03. 19:30 Köln, Tajet Garden
more dates to come. For more information:
Dhwani 0172-7619988
Please prenotate, places are limited
Finally back to India again. After amost a week of fever and selfimported flue we are back in a Indian Rikshaw, smelling, feeling, touching this fascinating country with all it's amazing colors, beautiful people, hot and sweet tastes, unbelievable smells....
Crazy - that's a word that pops out of our mouth a lot, and "incredibile"!
Time keeps flying... Already end of January, Madonna mia, as the Italians say. So far the year starts good. Events in Germany are lining up for the next TranceDance Tour and there will be some amazing workshops in various places.
The workshop with Neerava Petra Cegla in Andalusia, south of Spain is filling up. So if you haven't made up your mind, please do. It's a gorgeous place near Malaga and we will have a great time dancing (I will play lot's of live music) and exploring ourselves and still have enough time to enjoy the beauty of Andalusia in springtime. Here is a link to a video from the venue Casa El Morisco. Here is also the link to the workshop PDF and the form to sign up
See you there!
Milanesi friends will have the pleasure to join us (Virat Giulio Larovere, Premapara Angelo Di Terlizzi and me) for the inauguration of the exhibition "Il Ribelle" of Jashan Mario La Fortezza in Osho Shantisaburi,
Amici Milanesi avrà il piacere di unirsi a noi (Virat Giulio Larovere, Premapara Angelo Di Terlizzi e me) per l'inaugurazione della mostra "Il Ribelle" di Jashan Mario La Fortezza in Osho Shantisaburi, Via Montalbino 9/2, Milano. L'apertura è alle ore 18:00. Alle 19:30 sarà una meditazione Osho serata, seguita da un delizioso buffet e dopo suonaremo musica deliziosa danza ... Si prega di perdonare la traduzione di Google ;-)
A very happy, musical, beautiful, wonderful, merciful, joyful, loveful, laughterful, funful, drumful, drumcircleful, trancedanceful, amaaaazing 2013 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Almost finished this year. The world did not end yet! It's still standing... after all the hype about the 21st. Dec. 2012
For me it's time to say THANK YOU! - to all my friends and fans and all the people who I had the honour to meet and share moments of music, silence, celebration, love, quality, laughter, food, drink, fun, joy.... Life
I wish you all a very happy time of christmas, celebration, gifts and moments of love and peace. And may we meet again soon and share more. I send send you my love and gratefulness and I send them to all beeings and wish that we will be respectful to all there is
What a race it was, this year... It felt all a bit too fast for me, this time, this life. Didn't we just had our new years eve party? and now the year is finishing already again?
Well, it was a fast but also a very rich year!
Many events, concerts, festivals, trancedances, drumming circles, workshops... meeting with many beautiful new and old friends, recording for the new album which is still in the process and growing, learning a new language while living part of my live in Italy... and so much more that happened. Work, holidays, daily stuff, ordinary, boring, exciting, interesting, stupid, happy, dull, crazy, important, sad, unsettling and what not...
We had a beautiful 2nd half of our autumnal TranceDance and SoundHealing Tour 2012:
Thank You!!! Grazie!!! Dankeschön!!!
What a great experience to share the TranceDance journeys with all you beautiful people over the last two month. I feel blessed and honored and still in bliss after all those tremendously powerful journeys. Thank you again and see you soon for another trip into the world of magic...
The next is already in the planning for March 2013. Stay tuned
08.11. 2012
Here we are in Sylt, most northern island of germany. It's a beautiful place, stunning spacious, vast horizons. I really forgot how amazing it is since my childhood memories were blurred with some trauma of a rainy summer... Nirava and me will hold a three day workshop of dance, rhythm, drumming, inner and outer movement: "Healing Rhythms" Your Way To Freedom
Last second bookings still possible ;-)
Wow, "time flies when you have fun" is a famous proverb!! I'm already preparing for the next workshop in the far north of Germany:
Healing rhythms - A three day workshop with Petra Cegla and Rishi Vlote
…dance your way to freedom !
THE Dance – Drum Workshop with trance-percussion in Sylt / northern Germany
We still have a few places from 9. – 11. November 2012.
Nirava Petra and me are going to join our forces of:
5Rhythms - Core Movement - Family constellation
TranceDance - Drum Workshop - Drum Circle - Shamanic Ritual
in a powerful beautiful place - to be touched and get loose. Prepare for the cold season - to keep warm inside - More info in the Workshops Section
Finally I found the "guest counter". So there is some traffic happening, even without doing lot's of advertisement yet. The site is not finished, but grown to quite an extend that's presenable. Please make use of the Guestbook if you have any remarks, demands or ideas
This weekend Milano in on the verge. Nirava, Harshil and Rishi are inviting for:
On Saturday afternoon: Humaniversity AUM Meditation
Saturday night: TranceDance with Live Music and on
Sunday afternoon: A facilitated DrumCircle.
Here are the links to the Events on Facebook (securamente in Italiano ;-))
AUM Meditation
TranceDance with Live Music
Come and join the fun
The first part of the Autumn tour is already finished again!!
Amazing magical moments and many known and new faces and places. Berlin was a great new event in a very "upgraded" MauZ and Lüneburg is looking forward to spring with a bigger room and more people.
A big warm Thank You to all who gave their energy, space, time and money to support us on our travels and to all who came to travel themselves and joined the circles of the new brother- and sisterhood. And thank you for all the wonderful feedback on Facebook and the other forums. It really makes all the effort worth while
The CD and the direction of our songs is getting more clear. And Two songs are already in a final shape. I hope to have a chance to load some bits to listen up in the next few days...
And now to sleep. Because I'm on my way to Köln for the meeting with Dhwani for the Autumn tour in Germany:
02.10. - 20:00 Köln, Tajet Garden
04.10. - 20:30 München, Freitänzer
06.10. - 19:30 Leipzig, Markkleeberg - Call 0172-7619988
10.10.- 19:30 Berlin, MauZ - Call Amira Julia 0176-34145449
11.10. - 19:30 Gifkendorf bei Lüneburg - Call 0172-7619988
Achtung: die beiden Kieler Events müssen leider aufgrund der geringen Anmeldungen abgesagt werden! Es tut uns wirklich leid!
I'm on my way to Tuscany for a TranceDance event with Harshil and Gandharv for a German Tantra group near Pisa. In the following days we will work on our new TranceDance album, which starts to take shape and will be released by the end of the year. Project name is "Remember Your Freedom". I will soon link to some bits to listen to
Just back from our Czech workshop near Znojmo which was a great success and I'm still full of energy from the beautiful warmth and heart-openness of the Czech people. We are already planning for the next event which probably last a day longer and will happen in May. I keep you posted.
Here is the link to our Facebook event, where you can touch a bit of the atmosphere:
Czech Facebook Event
Got invited to play with Sudha and Ravi in Osho Tao, Milan. It was a very beautiful evening of songs, Mantras and Silence. And it was beautiful to meet with my dear old friends from England again.
Inipi (Sweatlodge), in the tradition of the Lakota in Amarti, near Pisa. Lead by Harshil & Nirava. A beautiful delicate and powerful weekend to cleanse and set a focus ...
Got invited to lead a retreat in Roumania. From 30. Nov. untill 2. Dec. near Brasov. more information you find HERE
Live TranceDance with Harshil, Gandharv and Rishi "on the beach at full moon" at the seaside near Viareggio:
30. August. via Sergio Bernardini, Lido Di Camaiore, Toscana,Italy
We had a great festival in Osho Miasto. I played a lot and enjoyed a lot and met many beautiful old and new friends...
Now I'm in another beautiful spot in Marke, near San Marino: Osho Circle School, in Maiolo. Working on the new album and playing a few events. Tonight I will play with Kabir in the Pizzeria.
Just got the new link for the Berlin TranceDance on 10th October in MauZ:
I'm just on my way to OSho Miasto in beautiful Tuscany to play music and take care of the sound during their annual summer festival. Packed the car to the top with drums and other equipment and my beloveds cothes and hit the road on the busiest day of the italian vacation season... luckyly we got a working air condition.... it might get hot ;-))
Eva Shakti is our agent in Brno in Czech Republik and a brilliant translator. She did a great job, organizing our next workshop near Brno. Dhwani and me are very excited to come and meet many old and new friends for a shamanic weekend. We really love the athmosphere in Czech and gonna lead many shamanic rituals and ceremonies, mostl of them supported with live music..
Here is the website with all information in Czech: šamanská cesta
and this one is from Maitrea - an organsation in Prague, who support shamanic and transformational work: MAITREA
Preparing myself for the festival in Osho Miasto, a beautiful haven for people who like that sizzling mix of meditation and celebration... (check out their website: OSHO Miasto)
I will be part in many events. The most important are
- 14. August, 21:30 - TranceDance with Live Music with Nirava and Rishi & Harshil
- 15. August, 10:30 - DrumCircle, your chance to play a drum together with lot's of people
- 16. August, 21:30 - "The Call OF the Drum" - Five musicians, many Voices. Pop music to
dance and sing to... Dance Your Way To Freedom!
HEALING RHYTHMS - 3 day workshop with Petra Cegla and Rishi Vlote
…dance your way to freedom !
Dance – Workshop with trance-percussion in Sylt / northern Germany
9. – 11. November 2012. More info in the Workshops Section
And we do it again:
HEALING RHYTHMS - 6 day workshop with Petra Cegla and Rishi Vlote
in Andalusia, Spain. In Spring!!! It's gorgous. Not to be missed
7. - 14. 4. 2013 in Benajarafe - Málaga, Casa el Morisco
Update: I will be playing an evening of Dance and Meditation in Osho Shantisaburi in Milano on the 3rd of July
It's my birthday today and I like to take the opportunity to say a big thank you to all the people who crossed my path and shared their passion, love and support in all their unique different ways. THANK YOU from my heart
Another short Tranceformation spring tour in June is coming up:
06. June Munich - Leela e.V. DANCE AND MEDITATION
07. Heidelberg - Yoga & TranceDance - Waldorf Schule
08. Kathlenburg-Lindau -Dreamtime Concert - Soundhealing
09. Near Leipzig - Private TranceDance and Dance party
12. Duisburg - Dreamtime Concert - Soundhealing
15. Waldwelt near Straubing - Seminar with Bodypainting, Drumcircle and TranceDance
Dhwani and I had a great tour through Germany and many wonderful circles of TranceDance. The feedback is sometime overwhelmingly beautiful. Most people feel the deep touch in their soul of the live music and the direct vibrations of the drums and voices.
The days with Prem Joshua and his band were a great joy as well and I enjoyed
The tour is coming close. I will start on 29. May in Schönbuch for the annual Osho Meditationcamp in Schönbuch, near Stuttgart.
The dates for the Tranceformation spring tour you find again
I also tour in Germany and Holland with Prem Joshua and band, but only behind the mixing desk, to give the guys a good sound. Dates are on their website:
Updates in the photo section.
More live events with Rishi & Dhwani in Germany in June - stay tuned
ACHTUNG - Aufgrund eines Terminkonflikts wird der TranceTanz Event im Tajetgarden in Köln vom 30.4. auf den 9.5.2012 verlegt
HEALING RHYTHMS with Petra Cegla and Rishi Vlote
…dance your way to freedom !
Dance – Workshop with trance-percussion in Sylt / northern Germany
9. – 11. November 2012. More info in the Workshops Section
The dates for our TranceFormation spring tour 2012 in Germany are mostly fixed. All details are
The website is taking shape. Still missing are video and audio content. But works are in full progress...
The inauguration of Marlene Dumas - Sorte - was a great success, and the afterparty with "Call Of The Drums" was "memorabile"...
"Call Of The Drums" is going to play with an 8 musician ensemble at the opening of Marlene Dumas exhibition "Sorte" in Fondazione Stelline, Milano.
Touch the Sounds - The Call of the Drum is online!!! Just a skeletton yet, but it's happening...
The first contents are up. The english versions...