The Call of the Drums


Project For A Presentation For Musical Edutainment



An Exploration into Sound and Rhythm


Designed by


Sigurd Rishi Vlote and Alessandra Leela Klimciuk


Touch the Sound - An Exploration into Sound and Rhythm

Touch the sound is exhibition and lecture incl. the demonstration of ethnic and contemporary musical instruments, concluded with a facilitated drum circle.


We call this kind of event “Edutainment” - Educational, yet entertaining and thus keeping the participants alert and motivated .


The exhibition setup: Instruments from Africa, Asia, Australia, India, Europe and the Americas. Drums, percussions, soundeffects, flutes and string instruments as well as sound bowls, gongs, etc. Some quite big, others tiny... for close look and touch 

Next, Rishi will give some informations about origin, make and use in the ethnic cultural context of the instruments, followed by a demonstration of some typical playing styles and sounds.

Finally, after a short break - a drum circle is set up, giving everyone a practical experience of playing music together in a group with different percussive instruments.


Here you find more detailed information in our PDF brochures:

In English       Italiano


the call of the drums | m.e.m (at)
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