Since I met my musical companion Dhwani W. Zapp in 2007 on a drive to a festival in Sweden, we started playing TranceDance events and Healing Sound Bath (Dreamtime events) together.
After playing a series of "Dreamtime" - or "Sound healing" concerts, (using overtone vibrations of special instruments for healing and inner travelling), I invited Dhwani to join me for some shamanic TranceDance events with live music, which were very well received. Since then we played many TranceDance Tours tohether through Germany and Europe.
Our immediate deep musical connection was the foundation of Rishi % Dhwani , aka "TranceFormation".

We create spontaneous live music events and invite people to dance blindfolded to travel trough time and space and invite healing, guidance and clearity through dance.
TranceDance supports people to go into a state of trance, healing and tranceformation!
The feedback of our participants shows, how strong and powerful these events are. You find some quotes in the testimonial section
To download our TranceFormation flyer in Deutsch and in English, just click on the link
TranceFormation flyer- Dhwani+Rishi english Download
You can also listen to some excerpts from our live TranceDance events in Germany, (recorded live, no edits or overdubs!) Music Samples on Soundcloud